
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Suddenly there was brightness all around.The darkness that I was accustomed to, was gone in a matter of minutes.

A buzz of excited chatter all around, disturbing my serenity. Unknown images were excited about something but I was clueless and at a loss.

The yummy supply of food through the umbilical cord, will it cease now, I let out a cry.The images rose in unison to console and welcome me. But one touch said it all, up she lifted, holding close to her, I could feel her warmth.A gentle kiss on my forehead, I knew her, my origin, Mumma.

99 words.

Acknowledgements :-This is written in response to Flash Fiction Challenge hosted by Charli Mills at Carrot Ranch Communications. The challenge is to write in exactly 99 words based on the prompt of the week- a navel story. It can include a belly-button, feature an omphalos (geological or cultural), or extend to navel-gazing (used in meditation or to describe excessive self-contemplation).  For more details please refer here. Thanks for stopping by and reading.

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