Dark clouds

Dark clouds looming in the background. Chilly winds taunting the clouds to move them elsewhere. The twilight sun promising to return the next day with more vigour and happiness.

On other days , she would have failed to notice the beauty that nature brought forth as she had almost forgotten what it was to stand and stare. But today as the chilly winds blew, it rekindled a memory.

It was same as today. The clouds had gathered and they were expecting a heavy downpour. It was indeed a relief as it was dry and hot the last one month and in addition to scarcity of water in her city, her plants had almost withered. She thanked the provider for the goodness to be showered.

To celebrate the impending joyous occasion , she and her kids were dancing to blissful retro music. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. They were irritated at the slight interruption. She reluctantly dragged herself to the door. There stood a stranger with a letter in his hand.

As the chilly winds blew across her face, she gathered herself from her near unconscious state.

I am sorry to leave you and our kids . I would be forever indebted to you for all the care and affection you have showered on me and our kids. But I can longer be cheating on you. I have decided to move on.

As the clouds rumbled and the chilly winds threatened to blow today, she wished nobody would have to face the same fate as her.

Acknowledgements :- Thank you Sue Vincent for running the challenge at #writephoto aflame. For rules please refer here. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

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