
The daily routine began before the break of dawn. Cleaning the cowshed, getting fodder ready for the cows, time was of essence at this juncture.

Singing to the cows, in an attempt to soothe and not scare them, all the while cajoling them to yield a little more milk than the previous day.

In the pre- dawn darkness, I couldn’t hear the distant shuffling of feet. In the distance, I could see men armed with flashlights and loud reverberation of my dear cow’s name all the while shouting.

A cow is screaming across the arroyo *.”

And once again she managed to loosen the rope and run out of the shed. And this she’s been doing for the last few days since her calf strayed away from the herd.

Were my eyes fooling me or did I see two of them?

140 words.

Arroyo * :- A steep side gully formed by the action of fast flowing water in an arid or semi arid region. ( Courtesy :- Google )

Acknowledgements :- In response to Prosery #7. The line “A cow is screaming across the arroyo .”, is to be used in the prose piece and the word count has to 144 words or less. For rules please refer here. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

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