Gossamer threads

The spider web cobweb closeup background. Selective focus
P.C :- Shutterstock

Sleek gossamer threads,

Effortlessly were they built?

Infinite attempts,

Trials and tribulations,

If only those threads could talk,

Tales of faith, recount,

Resilience he possesses,

Diligent weaver.

Poetry Form :- Oriental Octet (5/7/5/7/7/5/7/5 syllables)

This is my first attempt with this form.

Thoughts behind this piece :- I’ve always admired spiders, the never give up attitude, that they possess. The stories, we’ve read in childhood, about a spider, who despite many failed attempts/ obstacles finally manages to weave a web. This is dedicated to The Master Weaver.

Background of Oriental Octet :- The Oriental Octet is an invented verse form that appears to emulate the syllabic pattern of the tanka and haiku. It was created by James R. Gray who requests the theme of the poem be nature. It is an octastich ( a stanza of poetry containing 8 lines), unrhymed poem. Source:-https://poetscollective.org/poetryforms/oriental-octet/

Acknowledgements :- Thank you Colleen .M. Chesebro for running the challenge at Colleen’s 2020 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 183, #ThemePrompt. For rules please refer here. Also linking up to Tale Weaver #281, a challenge from Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie (MLMM) . Thank you Michael, for running the MLMM challenge. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

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