Lost, in the sands of time

Into, into the depths,i stumble,folding, rolling, cracking,i couldn't,but see only darkness,light has stopped shining. Into, into the depths,i stumble,i wasn't welcomed,i wasn't wanted,an distant indifference,of not belonging. Into, into the depths,i stumble,i look for a gone familiarity,i see no friendly faces,i am forgotten,lost, in the sands of time. Into, into the depths,i stumble,the ocean catches... Continue Reading →

Beyond Boundaries

Pause and ponder,feel the calm,of kindness,of kith and kin,isn't it a dream,of oneness,why single out-you and me?when collectively we-feel the calm,feel the joy.see the beauty-beyond boundaries,of tranquility,of one world,a dream within. 47 words Acknowledgements :- Written in response to Poetics hosted by Dora at dVerse. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

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