Haunted House Mystery

07 John Brand 23 April 2017

© John Brand

Ann, don’t go near that house, Mama admonished her, it’s haunted. Barely able to understand the real meaning of word, she pictured it in her mind to be something scary and fearful as Mama’s expressions appeared so. They had just moved in to this neighborhood, and evenings were spent in exploring and getting themselves acquainted.

The next day the newspaper read “The mystery of the haunted house, solved.”

Years ago a young couple had committed suicide in that house and it was abandoned since then.Since the last few months, strange noises were to be heard from that place. News got around that the couple were haunting, and people kept away.

Mama heard the dull sound of the stationary wheelbarrow being moved on the grass. Not unable to control her curiosity, she followed the sound, and to her surprise she found the wheelbarrow moved in to the haunted house. She squeezed herself into the tiny gate and could see the movements of people through the opening in the curtain. Strange things were happening in front of her eyes.

Making sure not to get caught, she rang up the police. It was found that they were a group of drug dealers, escaping from law from very long. Their plan was to find an abandoned house concoct schemes to make it haunted. They would hide drugs in the barrow, cover it with leaves and take it to harbor, to be shipped out of the country.

The drug dealers were handcuffed, and Mama said, at last my sister will rest in peace.


Acknowledgements :- This is written as a part of Sunday Photo Fiction. Thank you Al Forbes for running the challenge and John Brand for the photo prompt. The challenge is to write a story in about 200 words based on the prompt. For details please refer here. Thanks for stopping by and reading.


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