Scenes from the traffic

An everyday commute,

Without nothing much to do,

Except stare at the happenings outside,

And wait for our turn,

To inch the motor forward.

Horns blaring,

Pedestrians crossing,

Two wheelers overtaking,

Buses braking at the nth moment,

Hawkers with their wares.

The slow moving traffic it was,

Took a even slower turn,

Threatened to not budge a little,

The dream of reaching home,

Earlier than the previous day and

Easing into a cozy arm-chair,

Sipping hot coffee,

Seemed mightily distant now.

It wasn’t long before,

The mischief maker,

Oblivious to the chaos,

Happy in her thoughts,

On the threshold of crossing,

Keeping us on our toes,

While we waited with bated breath,

Lest she gets hurt,

Our heroine,

The cow, enjoying her cud,

Was teasing us with her serenity.

Surreal, it was,

We, in a hurry to get back home,

And stretch our legs,

And she, consciously crossing the road,

Like a pro, teaching us in her own way,

Patience is the key,

Nothing much was gained hurrying and worrying,

There’s also charm left in waiting.

176 words.

Thought behind the poem :- Sometimes, some instances from our daily everyday life teach us valuable lessons worth emulating.

Acknowledgements :- Written in response to dVerse challenge. Thank you Linda Lee Lyberg for hosting the challenge. The challenge is to incorporate surrealism in the poetry. I hope I have justified the challenge. For rules please refer here. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

17 thoughts on “Scenes from the traffic

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    1. Thanks a lot for stopping by. The images from traffic is more real than surreal. I wanted to convey that our approach to the traffic is of impatience, anxiety while the cow was filled with patience to cross the road, both approaches made it surreal. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot, Ma’am. Yup I agree with commute time as “me-time”. We can get lost in our thoughts and enrich ourselves with the happenings on the outside. ๐Ÿ™‚ We can even find something as an inspiration for a story.

      Liked by 1 person

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