
Photo by John McKaveney: Orion. “Taken outside the Kulmhotel Gornergrat Observatory. The Observatory is a hotel in Switzerland, located at an altitude of 10,171 feet.”

I see the rise of misty dawn,
like an angel transpiring from darkness,
charismatic , she floats across-
the drifting clouds, pauses-
speaks to me in whispers.

unheard and far far from the serene bustle,
i am unmindfully sipping my tea,
in a dark, secluded spot,
cursed to this rising conundrum.

Acknowledgements :- Thank you Lillian for hosting Poetics at dVerse. Also written in response to Day 3 of Na Po Wri Mo, where our prompt is to write a surreal poem. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

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