In daylight

P.C :- RXC # 328

i know not of a day,
when blooming wasn’t an option,
into the blue skies,
the gust of zephyr takes flight,
resplendent as the,
kites that forage from morning –
till dusk takes light-
into vastness of this universe bright.
the empire rises and falls-
and a warrior erupts, not to prove her mettle,
but a day depends,
on her becoming a part with the universe,
she engulfs you in
daylight, and then, you call her life.

Poetry form :- An American Sonnet ( Like a traditional Spencerian or Shakespearean sonnet, an American sonnet is shortish (generally 14 lines, but not necessarily!), discursive, and tends to end with a bang, but there’s no need to have a rhyme scheme or even a specific meter.)

Acknowledgements :- Written in response to RXC # 328 and Day 27 of Na Po Wri Mo where our prompt is to write a poem using the American Sonnet form. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

18 thoughts on “In daylight

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  1. Aha, so daylight is a lady. Nice read, Kitty. Dare I say that, but she does act like one, changes her mind a lot, at least once a day, sometimes more.


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  2. Shall I say this is the best contribution to the prompt, or one of your best pieces? 👏👏

    I’ve seen you evolving as a poet on this platform, and truly admire the Kaizen method of continuous improvement.

    It also makes me aware of my stagnation. Need to do something drastically different.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Ma’am, for your support and words of encouragement. I’m truly overwhelmed and my heart overflows with gratitude. Thanks to your poetry prompts, you are amazing, I’ve always admired your writing. Thanks a lot for your support, I’m honoured. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m overwhelmed, Ma’am. Thanks a lot for your encouragement and support. Also special thanks to your/others prompts, it helps my writing. I’m happy to be a part of a wonderful community of writers who support each other . 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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