
Poetry Form :- Malaysia: Pantoum – A form of interlocking quatrains (4 line stanzas) where lines 2 and 4 become lines 1 and 3 of the following quatrain. There must be a minimum of 3 stanzas but there is no maximum limit. The lines can be of any length. The rhyme scheme is a/b/a/b, b/c/b/c, c/d/c/d etc. To close use lines 1 and 3 of the first verse as lines 2 and 4 of the last verse or use them as a rhyming couplet e.g. z/a/z/a or a/a.

Dream is

Alliteration is the repetition of a particular consonant sound at the beginning of multiple words. Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds elsewhere in multiple words, and assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds.

In daylight

Poetry form :- An American Sonnet ( Like a traditional Spencerian or Shakespearean sonnet, an American sonnet is shortish (generally 14 lines, but not necessarily!), discursive, and tends to end with a bang, but there’s no need to have a rhyme scheme or even a specific meter.)

The Man and his shadow

Written in response to Eugi's Moonwashed Weekly Prompt, " Resourceful" and Sadje's WDYS # 235. Also written in response to Day 22 of Na Po Wri Mo where our prompt is "to write a poem in which two things have a fight. " Thank you all for stopping by and reading.


Poetry Form :- Afghanistan: Landay – A poetic form of self-contained syllabic couplets. The couplets are 9 syllables in the 1st line and 13 syllables in the 2nd line. here is no specific rhyme in Pasto but when written in English the couplets generally rhyme. This is poetry often only oral and mostly popular among women.

The lady with a purpose

While I've narrated only one aspect of Rani( meaning Queen) Abbakka, if interested you can read about her here. As a kid growing up, these stories were recounted umpteen number of times by my grandmother. Written in response to Day 20 of Glo/Na Po Wri Mo Challenge where we were to write a poem inspired from history.

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