You boggle me – A trio

My mind’s a place in

this world whose unrestricted

access I enjoy.

Mind! Enigma, magic, safe haven, an easy retreat, I don’t have enough words to glorify this wonderful creation.Our thoughts are the only things that can be controlled by us, or the ones that can control us. It can cook up a fear, or ease us out of any impending trouble. It can makes us to love or hate someone. “It’s all in the mind”, is a phrase worthy of mention, here.

We can appear sagely or aloof on the outside by being immersed in this cosy, our own go-to corner. An inbuilt corner within all of the beautiful creations of this planet. It’s that place we can choose to be ourselves without any inhibitions- crazy, happy, sad, peaceful, vengeful, angry, immature, you can pick any emotion to be.

There’s no fear of being pushed out of our own sweet little corner. Instead of looking on the outside for recreation we can retreat to our own wonderful space, which is rightfully ours. There might be so many things which our mind would want to tell us, if only we care to listen.

Mind, O Mind!

What would I do without you?

You are my protector,

You are my nemesis,

Your wonderful abilities, boggle me,

Your negative thoughts, scare me,

You know me better than I do myself,

Trust you to lead the way, you would,

Doubt you, you’ll plan my downfall,

Would I be arrogant and not lend the reins to you ?

Or would I be submissive and bow myself to you?

Mind, O Mind!

I would be lost without you.

Acknowledgements :- A trio of haiku, prose and poetry for this week’s Reena’s Exploration Challenge # 111. I’d like to thank Aeon Magazine for the wonderful video and my thanks to Grace Leslie for the mind blowing musical album Chapel. For participating in the challenge please refer to the rules here. Thank you all stopping by and reading and last but not the least, thank you Reena Saxena for the wonderful challenge.

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