This human being

This human being is pondering,

What would be she be if not a soul encased in a human form, respiring?

Soaring eagle daring to touch the sky,

Ferocious tiger predating ferociously shy?

A leaf nearing end from a broken twig,

Or a peacock wooing with its latest jig?

This human being is wondering,

Human beings crave to carve an individuality for themselves considering,

Every other creation is identified collectively,

While we look to be identified specifically,

Yearning to be different from the rest,

Are we succeeding in this test?

This human being is contemplating,

We know a crow as a crow and not by its name debating,

Its individual identity,

Then why we do attach so much importance to this self-identity,

Signing off as human being collectively,

Far more precious than my individual identity optimistically,

This human being is thus concluding,

This soul encased in a human form is a reflection of the past generations, including,

A mirror to the future generations, exuding,

A torch bearer of every human inhabiting,

From the past,

Till future lasts.

176 words.

Acknowledgements :- Thank you Reena Saxena for hosting Reena’s Exploration Challenge # 176 and Kim for hosting Poetics at dVerse. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

33 thoughts on “This human being

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  1. This is absolutely profound! I resonate with; “Human beings crave to carve an individuality for themselves considering, every other creation is identified collectively.” Yes! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love the reflection on our ancestors, and the generations to come. Makes me think of that quote – you come from the love of thousands.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like the way you tweaked the prompt words and developed them into a beautifully pondering, philosophical poem, Kitty. The repetition of ‘This human being is’ is effective, together with the juxtaposition of soaring eagle/tiger, to convey the wide range of human emotions and abilities, and the striving for self-identity and individuality, very human traits. My favourite line: ‘This soul encased in a human form is a reflection of the past generations’.

    Liked by 2 people

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